Monday, December 6, 2010

12-6-10 Home for Christmas?

 12-6-10   Home for Christmas?

So after my Reiki treatment Wednesday night I drove home and I decided no I do not want Randy, everyone's been right that I deserve far far better. I also tossed aside the guys who wrote to me on CL because they hadn't even talked to me on the phone yet and were wanting to discuss sexual preferences (and they had a couple that I wasn't gonna do) LOL I also took down my intention notes on my computer, the ones that said when I was going to buy, sell and what price I wanted to sell at. I needed to let go and allow god to answer instead of force the answer. I went to bed feeling like I totally let go, not pretended to let go, not said I let go but really let go....

The next day at work I got a call from my realtor telling me that the man who owns the grey house talked to the township who informed him an offer letter would be in the mail to me Saturday and as soon as that is at my attorney's office he will sign the rental papers! I told Mike to schedule me for Wed the 8th (knowing mercury goes retrograde on the 9th for the rest of the month) and I'd be down with a check for 2.5 months rent and to get the keys. Now all I need is the money from the credit union I thought, and my cell phone was them saying the money came back, they cut me a check and it was on its way to me UPS! I was glad to know that friday was my work from home day so I could run to the bank and deposit the check and pray it cleared in time to get a cashiers check wed... I contacted my boss and requested the 8, 9 and 10th off. I breathed a sigh of relief and then started to get sick right after lunch...really sick, stomach flu kind I came home to sleep..

When I got home though the check was already here so I drug myself over to cash it before I layed down, good thing I did too or it wouldn't have cleared in time since it was such a big check. It's amazing how every little thing works out to help you along once the universe is on your side and orchestrating your path and I was glad I drove by the grey house on tuesday and tossed a couple inspiristones out even though on tuesday I had pretty much given up on that place.... I stayed in that night because I was still weak but friday I was feeling better and put in a lot of time on work stuff to catch up and not be behind for the coming week. I also called pack rat to find out how much lead time they needed, turns out they need a week so I scheduled the move for the 9th and the pick up of the empty for the 17th, the very last day I could have it without paying for a third month.. My friends were telling me I am jumping the gun but I don't think so...I can always cancel if I have to.

Friday night was good, Jeremy was home and I told him about the move date and talked of him coming down to help me put up the Christmas lights and ordered pizza. I also watched the rest of my family videos, even the wedding video. It didn't at all make me sad though, just a nice reflection of a different chapter in my life, one that I was glad that I had but one that was over. I "talked" to Gus a bit and said thanks for loving me, I wish you could have healed and had the good life we planned but well it's not to be now, perhaps some other life I will see you again. I know he will stay in Flemington and watch over our son and I am glad to know that. I also was writing back and forth to a nice guy from craigslist who lives in the town next to the one I am moving to....

Saturday I woke up and was surprised to draw the SoulMate card, didn't expect that one about now but I think the message for it was that the angles are working on finding me a soulmate love...I certainly do seem to be attracting attention suddenly! First the CL guy called, he not only is very cute but quite a gentleman, he's younger though (38 to my 50) I generally go for 5-7 yrs younger but he convinced me that he has always liked older women and well he's an ex-marine, owns his own business and like I said lives the next town over so I said to keep in touch and we can go for coffee next weekend... Then a guy out of the blue wrote me on facebook, said he liked my picture and we wrote back and forth all day, he sent his pic though and I got a really bad vibe, not a happy camper that one no way am I getting into that anymore, no fixer-uppers at my age. Lastly I was looking for something to do and saw a singles organization was doing an event locally, the owner had been writing me for years to help him promote his stuff but since they are paid events I wouldn't do it (I always did mine for free) but I thought let me see what he I wrote him and said if he gave me free admission I'd come and give a write up in the next CassiesCalendar newsletter. He said of course come as my guest and sent me a coupon for my whole group to use and so we went! It was nice and a very nice guy asked me to I see the value in these paid events....the men are gentlemen not the type looking for a free ride...I am going to have to go to more of these....

Sunday I met with Mary for movie and dinner and we talked about a lot of things....a good day, a good turning point for me and the angel card today was answered prayer... I went to work with a skip in my step a smile on my face all excited and started making plans on who to invite for Christmas dinner.....but at the moment I am operating on pure faith and patience or I would explode! My seller's realtor talked to the township and they did NOT tell that man they were sending my offer letter Saturday, as a matter of fact they had to post pone their meeting and its not going to happen till Thursday! When Mike called I had to tell him and he said that he didn't think they were going to go through with this because the man wanted to speak to my lawyer and know the offer was in attorney review before he signs with me. I said that was totally un-acceptable I was NOT paying my lawyer to talk to him about my sell. I said this is what rent to own means, he RENTS to me, then when mine sells I buy it very simple, I been jumping through hoops for him for three weeks and he can rent to me or the whole deal is off and I am not buying at all. Mike said he'd give him that message.....

I got home and got a call from my propane company, they aren't going to deliver propane either till I get caught up. So no oil means no heat, no propane means no cooking or hot water, then again the well is low so there may not be water to heat anyway! LOL I know my spirit teachers all told me that house would literally "kick me out" when it was time, well heck it seems like that's happening and I am ready to go but I have no place to go! Over the weekend I made arrangements for the pack rat to be moved from her to there on the 9th, the cable is coming Monday..I am ready now I just said a prayer to god and the angels to speak to that man's heart to let me move now so that I have a new home for Christmas.....I am starting to feel like a solider in the war, stuck in a fox hole and praying for orders for leave to go home for Christmas! ......but no matter what I must remember to have faith in God and know wherever he has me this year is exactly where I belong....there are others who have it much worse....and hey at least one thing I don't have to wait for, my new marine guy decided that we would meet on Thursday either here or there depending on where I am at, so that's one plan still working.....and just because my prayer for my home didn't get answered today doesn't mean it wont still be answered tomorrow.....

Today take a moment to thank God for your homes and your families and the Christmas homecomings that are soon to occur.  Say a prayer for our soldiers too who can't make it home this year and that they stay safe and warm ......Don't ever take what you have for granted......

With Love and in the Light,  Cassie

Camouflage And Christmas Lights

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