Friday, October 29, 2010

10-19-10 guardian angels

10-19-10 guardian angels

Well Monday night I went to bed with the idea heavy on my mind of just where I am going to be moving to. Here I am packing my Pack Rat and I am clueless, all I do know is that I must get out and soon. The well is drying up, I will not be getting anymore oil deliveries so when what's in the tank is gone I will have no heat, and the October mortgage was not yet paid, the collection I took to pay it only came up with half the money. I need to decide if I put a bit more in and make the minimum 1,650 that the bank said would keep me off the report list for being late, thusly keeping me from getting a loan OR do I not pay the mortgage and use this for the rent and security for the tiny condo that I saw? What to do what to do. My college friend had given me grief over the weekend for posting pics of 1008 Sunset the one I really want to get saying this looks expensive you should be looking for something really cheap if you are asking for help. Granted SHE'S the one who said I should ask for help in the first place and gave the first $50....also a few who had generously donated to me had opinions on how I should manage my finances and go to church more.

When you ask for help from people you really do give your power away, and once someone gives to you they feel the right to give opinions on how you should live your life. This is the reason why you will see so many rich kids have so many problems, so much substance abuse. They are overly controlled, feel helpless and have low self esteem because they don’t have the satisfaction for having worked for what they have. It destroys the whole nation when the people become dependent on the government too, whether it be bail outs or welfare a bigger price is paid, some even end up "selling their souls to the devil" by taking hand outs. Now this is not to say that everyone needs a helping hand sometime, myself included! When I was pregnant with Dustin, my oldest I was single, 23 and worked part time at K-mart. I wanted to work full time but just like my son now, I worked retail and only 38 hrs a week, just under the 40 required for health benefits. But I digress...

I went to bed with this on my mind and prayed to God for an answer. I woke up in the morning with the thought of that house on my mind and thoughts asking me why did I take down the pictures and quit believing I could have it? I recalled how the day before when talking to Mike he said did I really want that cheaper one and should he go through with setting up the rent to own? I said well let’s take the weekend to look some more and I will decide on Monday 25th because I could make do in that house but it just doesn’t give me that I want to live here this is THE one for me feeling that the one on sunset did. He said he would try to find the owner and see if it really was gone or just withdrawn, and I recalled how Randy said he felt perhaps I would get a second chance at that one......oh so many balls in the air and I have no idea how they are all going to land. The old me would be in a panic here but the new me is learning to have trust and patience and let God do his work....

I have gotten a few signs that this is correct, for one last night I was trying to find other homes to look at, and the entire time in my head I heard why are you looking you already know where you want to go. Then I IMed my buddy Dave and he said all I get is "trust in the lord". So I am working on trust and suppressing the you are delusional thoughts. I was walking into the office this morning and wishing I had not thrown out the photos I had posted of the house and put on my bulletin board for a visualization technique. I am going to have to see if I can find them in the re-cycle bin and put it back up, I have a right to want a nice house, Its not a mansion its a small 1k sq ft ranch, but as I said my spirit could be re-newed there the condo I know would make me want to slit my wrists! And didn’t god after all want me to have a home where i can re-fresh my soul so that I can do god's work? So I got to my desk and I went to put the garbage cans back that had been emptied the night before and low and behold in the bottom of the can was the print out of the photos I had taken down!!! I think I cried a tear or two as I put it back up on my bulletin board. Oh I hope and pray this is a sign that I will get this house!!

This morning besides the angel card of the day being guardian angel my dad sent me a bible quote: I pray above all that you may Prosper and be in Health as your Soul Prospers I think this means that he will take care of us so that our souls will be well, and I know my soul needs to be well so that I can help others get their souls I don’t know what’s going to happen, I did have that vision of me on that deck doing my J&J work and the peace and contentment that I felt there. I process complaints and 80% of my job I can do from a computer with a good internet connection anywhere (I guess that rules out the place in VT where Randy wants to live though, boohoo, stop thinking of him darn it!) So I put in my proposal to work from home 3 days a week and sent it on with a little prayer......

Today no matter what dark and perilous path you may be on I ask you to have the faith that God IS working on all your problems and that his guardian angels ARE watching over you assisting and helping with each care and concern that you have. The only thing that you need to do is ASK because they can't help if you don't ask for help....say a little prayer and for your friends in need say a little prayer for them as well, it really does help them as angles will whisper to them too and guide them. I pray daily for my sons and for Randy that guardian angels watch over them, when I am really concerned I even ask my own to go check on them, with or without me I want only their happiness and success.....

With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Say A Little Prayer For You

PS the picture I shared with this post is one that my grandma got me when I was a child and it hung in my bedroom well into my teens.

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