Thursday, October 28, 2010

9-30-10 It's Electric!

9-30-10 It's Electric!

Well it's been another hectic and exciting week for me so far, I tell you the power in the spiritstones and the energies of the planets have really come together for me to make things MOVE....literally! I swear I wish I had a book about my life I'd never want to put it down to see just what was going to happen next! LOL

Monday I talked to Michael my realtor down the shore and he confirmed that the property line on that house is the wider area so yes there is room for a nice sized garage for motorized toys and a deck for the hot tub..(i dream big lol).....but they declined and was insulted with my rent offer. They did go down a lot on purchase price but still too high. I told him we would wait a bit and make a counter rental offer. Randy had said his gut said $1250 and I liked that number, and he had been right it was the first offer too. I got all excited and told him if he moves in there with me I'd get us a hot tub, he never replied to that one and I haven't heard from him since....scared him off again...*sigh*

Tuesday I was meeting a gal pal for dinner at The Melting Pot and she was running late so I decided to walk around a bit on the street and ran into a member of It was great to see her and we talked of some event ideas she had for me and she also told me of a place I can go get my hair colored at Revlon for FREE! How kewl is that right? Next I thought of my friend whom I had given the single girls prayer statue to, it was her 50th BD and spirit told me to remind her to say the prayer every night so I texted her and reminded her. (the next day she texted and confessed she had been forgetting) I tell you when spirit whispers to me I listen I gave up on being concerned if I sound goofy or nutty everyone now knows I am! But they still listen.........

Finally my friend arrived for dinner and we walked into the restaurant to give our names for our table. As soon as we got to the hostess stand suddenly I saw what looked like tiny electric fireflies flying in front of me, in a thin web. It was odd and I was saying do you see that? and trying to bat them away. Then I thought OMG I am having a high blood pressure attack, but there were no other symptoms....this continued as we walked to the table and sat down and I forgot about it till I spoke to Beth, she explained it was the white light energy coming in to me, that it always comes into me and that finally I am opening my blocks and seeing it. It was scary and exciting I said; wait till you start seeing the orbs she said..... Anyway dinner with the friend was lovely and I have an idea for another helping with dating and relating blog as a result but I need time to write it! Stay tuned! LOL

this is what my "fireflies" looked like, just a bit smaller and finer:

Wednesday I woke up and read the energies of the day from Into The Mystic and was all excited about the new grand cross and how we can create now so I was really focusing on what I want to happen with my job, the house my relationships the spiritstone business. I talked to Vic and shared with him and he said I want to sell 100 spiritstone kits by the end of October. Done I said (even though I am not certain we have 100 left) LOL but hey we can do this! I want the world to have these stones so that wonderful things happen to them too!

I also talked to my realtor and said hold off on the next rent offer, let’s sit on it a bit. Later in the day though I got a vision while carrying my work lap top from the lab base to my desk base and I saw myself with a wireless connection, sitting on the deck of the house that I want, doing my job and having the bay as my scenery. I was enthralled with that vision and also frustrated and annoyed when I thought of the owners high asking price. I contacted Beth to schedule a reiki treatment and despite the fact I had tons of stuff to do at home I went after work. I have learned that when spirit calls I must drop everything, work at home, events, friends, my corporate day job is the only thing that comes first it has to sadly. But Vic and I both said out loud our dream of this business supporting us so that our ministry to others can be our careers so I am going to keep that little house on the bay already has an office and I picture clients coming there to see me and feeling the peace that I feel...Then I got a message that I got turned down for that senior level job, but I remined myself that I said out loud over and over I don’t want to leave I like this job I just want a raise and another weeks’ vacation and to be allowed to work from home often.

In the evening driving to Beth's I was thinking about the things I feel resentful about, my house not selling, the other guy wants too much rent for MY house, my lower than I deserve salary, my weight not coming off fast I tell her I feel like I am wearing a fat suit that doesn’t belong to me and someone glued it on! I am also resentful that my son is not being responsible and that Randy is staying with this other woman when he loves ME and well I had much to work on that was for sure! I pulled into her driveway and my phone was the realtor for the Historical Society and he wanted to know if it was for sale still and would I honor the price we offered them in June. I said listen you been jerking me around for 2 years (and I know why politically if you read an earlier blog on that), I am packed, plan to get a pod and vacate by 11/1 and am doing a rent to own with my tenant for a higher price. If they want it I want a contract signed before 10/15. I have given them a dozen showings, over 100 people came through and HGTV paranormal team is filming there on Saturday so since they want to make it a museum this is only going to do good for them I said. He called my old realtor next.......ha ha ha. But she's on the case and she thinks like I to get that other house down in price....

Beth and I had a lovely reiki share, she said she saw a lovely golden angel sitting near my third eye, she cautioned me on the Randy thing saying he was just a distraction according to what spirit is telling her. Yeah ok I know I got work to do but I seriously need him to ground me, the energies in me are out of control I tell her and plugging in is the only way......she said she understands the energy and how men ground us....she said she just blew up another television, I said well I keep tripping circuit breakers at my house, if I didn’t connect with him I would be losing electronics too! (i did lose one microwave when I tried to dump him) Yes I know this all sounds crazy but the energy can't be denied and the things that are changing too! I was kinda sad that he never replied to my please pray text, and then I saw him log online before I went to bed. I was reading an e-mail from my dad yelling at me because I told my mom I got him a BD gift and she told him and he said I deserve a better man not a leach, why spend money on a man when I am in such financial hardship. What no one seems to get is that even if I am near broke, if spirit tells me to buy someone something or a meal I do it and I am provided for. It did get me crying though and Mary called and I was all upset about him ignoring me when something so big is going on. I told her no one else believes in me and him but her and I, don’t be afraid she told me and reminded me of good things......I still cried myself to sleep over all the stress and energy and having no one there to ground and comfort me.
But that’s the story of my life........I must keep the faith in God anyway. He will bring me my twin flame in the right time and I must trust him on who and when.

So are you feeling this electricity in the air? Are you using your law of attraction skills to bring to yourself what you want and need according to God’s perfect plan? Ask and you can receive! Paint your future in your minds and believe in the beauty of your dreams........soon God will send you the energy to make it all come alive!

With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Electric Boogie

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