Friday, October 29, 2010

10-20-10 Protected Path

10-20-10 Protected Path

Well last night I bribed the kids with pizza and beer and got 3/4 of my furniture and boxes loaded onto the Pack Rat. That was cheap $35 for three guys for 2 hrs this really is the way to move! Then again the buggers owe me big time for all the grief over the years. LOL But hey that's family right? They promised to come down and eat holiday dinners with me and asked if they can bring their girlfriends too and I said sure I would cook for everyone and I will and not just holidays but only sometimes I want peace and quiet in my life!. I took a closer look at another house that Mike had sent me, this one had a big above ground pool which to me is merely and eye-sore but I thought wow this place is set up for parties....

Todd came home while we were packing and said I better be sure to take the ghosts with me when I go and I said nope he can keep em. I bet some of them go with me though, and I just thought oh jeeze some are gonna get annoyed since the place is half empty now. I asked him was he still in for a rent to own and also told him I had lowered the selling price. I said what I wish is for you and Melissa to buy it together, that's his girlfriend of 2 yrs that he practically lives with but won’t commit to. Men and their commitment issues sheeesee! But I told him all the balls were still up in the air at this point but maybe we better look for tenants and he agreed and said he would do that. I say it again, thank god for Todd he's a pain at times, slow to get back to me often but he's also been there for me many a time as well.....

I went to bed thinking of Gus (my ex-husband refuted to still be haunting me) and wondering if he'd stay with Jeremy and the house or follow me to my new place. I hope he stays as Jeremy will need him more than I will to watch over him, and I plan to have a new husband and soul mate and I don't need him butting in. This then got me back to thinking of Randy wondering if he would come to me or stay with the kids he found, he will probably choose them. In my opinion that’s the wrong choice as they have fathers, living fathers to be there for them and they are not tied to him by blood, I wonder when he's old and not so able to play if they will be there to take care of him when he's sick....for his sake I hope so.....and The Outlaw Poets words seem to be leaning towards signs of him walking away from me. Randy thinks I left him but in reality I never did, it was he who always leaves me to sit and wait for him because someone or something else looked more fun.....cest la vie......

I feel oddly at peace today, the angel card was abundance and I am keeping the faith that God is working out the details for me and my new home. I think he's also working out the details for my mate also....first the cross I bought for myself that I have worn for the last 12 years, the one i bought when I truly became independent of my husband, the chain broke on it , its the third one, just cheap costume jewelry but this time the cross is so icky I am not going to replace it. Instead I decided to put on the Elven Star necklace that I found on e-bay for $5, I had ordered it hoping to find a costume for Halloween to wear it with but lost the bid on the gown. I feel this signifies a change in my life, my Christian faith is the root and will always be my first choice but my faith goes beyond that and embraces all things created by my God. I almost feel I have graduated to a new level somehow....I only wish I had a partner....all in due time all in due time comes to me....

Oddly enough last night we moved the kitchen table to get furniture out and there was a SpiritStone on the floor, I put it in my pocket along with the other one (I always keep a stone in my pocket, to super charge it and give out when I am compelled to do so) This morning when I went to put them both back in my pocket I discovered they were the same type! I just looked it up to on the site where I have stored the different types of stones: Stones and Meanings/Properties and was excited to see these two are Lepidolite and part of the description states: When used with rose quartz, it becomes a stone of reconciliation of love! Rest assured that I will go home and get one of my Rose Quartz ones that I have separated from the others to used in my Heal Your Heart workshops, put the three together in a very special place for safekeeping and hope it works to reconcile myself and Randy in the right time. As a matter of fact I am giving another workshop tomorrow in Westfield! I always participate and heal myself as I am facilitating the healing of the group it's really amazing how this Reiki energy works, when you give to someone it also gives to you and increases your vibration, again like two weak flames coming together and making a vortex of energy!
I guess I shall keep moving onward on my pathway to manifest a higher self and a higher purpose in my life. I already am doing some and the stronger I get the more I can do for others....

I am really looking forward to the full moon ceremony on Friday. All my friends are going to an early Halloween Party but I am only going to go to the one next Saturday, I hope I have found an affordable a costume by then! I am reminded though of the journey circle I took one summer with Jodee and when we visited the underworld it was all smoky for me and I could see nothing, this saddened me so much because all the others see things but me so I strained really hard for someone to appear. I felt them I knew they were there, and for just one brief second an fairy or elf face popped in front of me! A lovely gal all green and purple and iridescent. When we can back Jodee looked at her drum and was astounded to see a fairy imprint on it! You'd have to know Jodee she sees things all the time it takes much to surprise her and when I shared my vision we looked at each other knowingly....

Today I want to remind you that even thought you may not see anything through the dark foggy mist that is blocking your path, even though you may be cold and hungry and alone know that you are NEVER alone, all of God’s creation seen and unseen is there beside you....but often you must walk alone in darkness to get to the light....Keep on those paths dear ones.....there is much ahead!

With Love and in the Light, Cassie
 Arwen's Song

This seven-pointed star (septagram) represents a belief in fairies and magic. Each of the seven points is believed to have a different meaning, although there are several common interpretations.

Some say each point represents a pathway, or the "seven rays of manifestation of the Higher Self."

1 - power, personal will and determination
2 - unconditional love, wisdom and growth
3 - knowledge and intelligence
4 - harmony and tranquility
5 - the powers of mind and science
6 - devotion and honesty
7 - magick.

Another idea is that the points signify the seven magical elements - earth, air, fire, water, light, life and magic - or the inner and outer elements - earth, air, fire, water, heaven, earth and self. Whilst a further suggestion is that they represent the seven directions - north, south, east, west, above, below and within.

Whatever your individual theory, the number seven is believed to be a magical or lucky number, and can be used to indicate appreciation and knowledge of fairies

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